Dear SoftTrade User

Now SoftTrade have the feature to direct upload the “Sale Invoice” information through json file on Eway Bill website. If you want to use this feature then follow the steps below :-

  1. Select the Menu Option System –> System Parameter (2)
  2. Select the TAB “VAT/GST Parameter“.
  3. Make the check Mark on “e-Way Bill Applicable Option
  4. Specify the Current Date in “e-Way Bill Applicable Date
  5. Specify the  50000 in “e-Way Bill Threshold (Invoice Value)” field.

After these Steps, Please Make sure the Address, Station, State & Pincode & GSTIN No. is entered correctly in Company Information.

For eWay Bill generation of a Sales Invoice, Customer Address, Station, State, Pincode is mandatory. So Always  Please Make sure that the existing customer have the correct information.

After these steps, One New Field named “Distance” is created in Menu Option Master Data-> Account Ledger [Other Details TAB] which is required information in eWay Bill Generation. You may enter at the time of Invoice creation or enter it permanently in Account Ledger Master for auto initialization.

Now System is ready to use this feature.

Now When You make the Sales Invoice, After Click on the Save Button, If your Invoice Amount exceeds the limit of Rs. 50000/- Software ask the following option :-

Do you want to generate the Json file for the eWay Bill detail ?           (Yes/No)

If you specify the Yes option, It shows a form asking the required information for e-Way Bill generation. Most the information is initialized by software. But check the detail or complete the information which is not complete or specified. If all the information is entered/specified correctly then click on OK button.

Now Software will generate a Json file in Your Data directory.

For example,    If Software Data Path is D:\SoftTrade\Data\001,  then You will find a folder there named “eWayBill“, and the file is created in that folder. like if Json file is


In file name structure, first “121” is your invoice no., “25052018” (in format : ddmmyyyy) is date of creation & “113015” is time of creation (in format hhmmss).

This Json file can be opened in NotePad also to check the information/contents which is going to upload on EwayBill portal.

After this file creation, login the eWayBill portal, You will find a option in Bulk eWayBill Generation (2nd option in eWayBill menu.)

Upload the file there & generate the EWay Bill No.

When You come back to the software, You will find a form there asking the eWay Bill No. & Date, Just enter the generated no. and then click ok. the eWay Bill No. is saved in Sales Invoice & When You print the invoice copy it will be printed there.

